Applications for revisions to the register of pharmacies can from now on be done online

date: 13/12/2024

In Belgium, any authorisation for the opening, merger, transfer, temporary and permanent closure of a pharmacy open to the public must be registered in the FAMHP's register of pharmacies. In addition, any change, such as a different pharmacist in charge, an additional cadastral plot or the acquisition of a pharmacy, must be reported to the FAMHP. From now on, the FAMHP's new online application can be used for this purpose. 

Through the online application, the pharmacist in charge or the authorisation holder can apply for registration in the register of pharmacies. An application can be submitted for any procedure relevant to the register.
Digital applications are sent directly to the Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP), which manages the register. Following assessment, the FAMHP processes the application in the system. The status of the application can be tracked online at any time. This automated procedure replaces traditional paper or PDF forms, making the process faster and more efficient.

Benefits of the application
The new application has numerous benefits. It will mainly save time and effort for pharmacists, and for FAMHP employees the application will streamline the process. 
The application also makes it possible to establish a more secure communication between the pharmacists and the FAMHP. The system also allows the data to be more easily accessed for statistical analysis. It also creates a central overview where pharmacists can check the status of their applications, as well as find applications they have submitted previously.  
Furthermore, when necessary, it is also possible to digitally sign applications submitted by a deputy pharmacist, for example.    

More information
Pharmacy open to the public | FAMHP



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